
Club Fees
Club membership runs from January 1st to December 31st, memberships are due from the 1st January. Our current membership rates for 2024 are:

Senior membership
£30 + £20 England Athletics fee if competing in races

Family membership (up to 2 adults & children under 16 years)
£40 + £20 EA fee for each family member competing in races

Junior membership
£15 + £20 EA fee if competing in races

Senior Citizen/Unemployed/Students membership
£15 + £20 England Athletics fee if competing in races

Training Nights
Training night fees are £1 for senior and junior members.

Click Download to open our Membership Form:

Membership FormDownload

England Athletics Registration Fee
If you wish to race on behalf of the club, you will need to register with England Athletics. As a member, you will benefit from reduced race entry fees. England Athletics fees are applicable from April 1st to March 31st, but we ask that they are paid with your club subs to ensure that we can process your registration. This allows for competition as an attached runner.

Payment can be made by cash or cheque payable to ‘Marsh House Harriers‘ or by bank transfer to the account details below, including your full name (where possible) in the reference line so that we can identify who has made the payment. If you are paying for a family membership could you please email, to let us know who is included in your payment.

Barclays Bank
Bank Account – 43716554
Sort Code – 20 82 23

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