Heartbeat Hobble Fell Race – 24-02-2019

Race Report by Chris Jefferies

Sunday the 24th February saw the latest fixture of the Dave Parry/Lets Run winter fell running series – Heartbeat Hobble, hosted by Scarborough AC.

The race was held from the beautiful village of Goathland, made popular by TV drama, “Heartbeat”, deep within the North York Moors. (Note: If you have not heard of “Heartbeat” before, google it!)

The race started from the village at a brisk hobble uphill for Chris, following the previous day’s cross-country exploits! It followed a well-marked 6.8miles with 715 feet of climb. The route headed south, around How Moor towards the first check point at Gale Hill Rigg. It then continued south east to the second check point at Wardle Green before turning back north, on Simon Howe Rigg, returning to the finish in Goathland.

A great race with some stunning views, which would make a perfect first race for less experienced fell/trail runners. Keep your eyes open for this race next year!

Heartbeat Hobble Map

The next race in the winter series is Glaisdale Rigg, hosted by Loftus & Whitby AC, (8.5miles /1844 feet of climb) on the 3rd March at 10.30am from the Arnecliff Arms, near Glaisdale Station, YO212QL. The mandatory kit for this race, includes a whistle, hat/gloves and jacket/bottoms.

Further details can be found on the Esk Valley Fell Club website – www.eskvalleyfellclub.org/

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